Create a Logo You’ll Adore
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100% Satisfaction
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Award-Winning Logo Maker
How It Works
Choose a Logo Name
You can update it anytime later.
Choose 1-3 Industry Keywords
Don’t worry if the keyword or industry you’re thinking of isn’t available – you can still add it!
Choose up to 3 Virtual Designers
“Each designer has a unique style. Feel free to switch between designers anytime if you want to experience something different.”
Choose up to 5 Brand Attributes
Don’t worry if the keyword or industry you’re thinking of isn’t available – you can still add it!
Choose up to 12 Colors
To highlight your business message, you can select your preferred brand colors from a wide range of over 300 premium Pantone colors.
Choose up to 10 Icons
If you prefer a simpler, typographic logo, feel free to skip this step. You can always add an icon later.